08-035(00)ALTERNATOR JAPAN HINO J05E-SK235SR-2 SK235SRLC-2 SK235SR Kobelco Excavator Parts Number Electronic Catalog EPC Manuals 34 3 VH948005250A BOLT Through 33…
00-002(00)PAINT COLOR
00-002(00)PAINT COLOR-SK235SR-2 SK235SRLC-2 SK235SR Kobelco Excavator Parts Number Electronic Catalog EPC Manuals

33 AR YN09T00001DB Dark Gray, Control Operator (1Kg., Normal Drying)
32 AR YN09T00001DA Dark Gray, Control Operator (4Kg., Normal Drying)
31 AR YN09T00001D9 Dark Gray, Control Operator (16Kg., Normal Drying)
30 AR 2421R161D82 Light Gray, Control Operator (1Kg., Normal Drying)
29 AR 2421R161D81 Light Gray, Control Operator (4Kg., Normal Drying)
28 AR 2421R161D80 Light Gray, Control Operator (16Kg., Normal Drying)
27 AR YN09T00001DF PAINT Grayish Black, Control Operator (Lever) (1Kg., Normal Drying)
26 AR YN09T00001DE Grayish Black, Control Operator (Lever) (4Kg., Normal Drying)
25 AR YN09T00001DD Grayish Black, Control Operator (Lever) (16Kg., Normal Drying)
24 AR YN09T00001DP Glace Black 971, Door (1Kg., Normal Drying)
23 AR YN09T00001DN Glace Black 971, Cab (4Kg., Normal Drying)
22 AR YN09T00001DM Glace Black 971, Cab (16Kg., Normal Drying)
21 AR YN09T00003D3 1LIT PAINT THINNER Dark Gun Metallic, Bonnet (1Kg., Normal Drying)
20 AR YN09T00003D2 Dark Gun Metallic, Bonnet (4Kg., Normal Drying)
19 AR YN09T00003D1 Dark Gun Metallic, Bonnet (16Kg., Normal Drying)
18 AR YT09T00001DW Dark Gray 971, Counter Weight (1Kg., Rethane PG60 Curing Agent)
17 AR YT09T00001DV PAINT Dark Gray 971, Counter Weight (4Kg., Rethane PG60 Curing Agent)
16 AR YT09T00001D7 PAINT Dark Gray 971, Counter Weight (1Kg.,Poly Urethane)
15 AR YT09T00001D6 Dark Gray 971, Counter Weight (4Kg., Poly Urethane)
13 AR PY09T00001DM Grayish Black, Cab (1Kg., Rethane PG60 Curing Agent)
12 AR PY09T00001DL Grayish Black, Cab (4Kg., Rethane PG60 Curing Agent)
11 AR PV09T00001DU Grayish Black, Cab (1Kg., Poly Urethane)
10 AR PV09T00001DT Grayish Black, Cab (4Kg., Poly Urethane)
9 AR PV09T00001DS Grayish Black, Cab (16Kg., Poly Urethane)
8 AR YN09T00003D7 Low Gray, Low (1Kg., Normal Drying)
7 AR YN09T00003D6 Low Gray, Low (4Kg., Normal Drying)
6 AR YN09T00003D5 Low Gray, Low (16Kg., Normal Drying)
5 AR YT09T00001DU PAINT Bright Yellow, Counter Weight (1Kg., SR3000 Curing Agent)
4 AR YT09T00001DT Bright Yellow, Counter Weight (4Kg., SR3000 Curing Agent)
3 AR YT09T00002D7 Bright Yellow, Guard (1Kg., Poly Urethane)
2 AR YT09T00002D6 PAINT Bright Yellow, Attachment (4Kg., Poly Urethane)
1 AR YT09T00002D5 Bright Yellow, Body (16Kg., Poly Urethane)
14 AR YT09T00001D5 Dark Gray 971, Guard (16Kg., Poly Urethane)
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